
admin | Aug. 20, 2020, 6:44 p.m.


The world is in financial crisis for the past few months. It all started with the US housing system collapse and loss of confidence in security mortgages. World over analyst are terming this to be a slowdown, recession, financial crisis, economic crisis. No one is willing to talk about it. General public is aghast with analyst in not advising them of impeding stock market crash.

What caused/causing this recession?
Overleveraging by institutions, Greed? no one is talking on this?

how will the world come out of the recession? is the financial markets in US and Europe doomed? or is there a hope left?

Will the Asian giants China and India help the world out of recession? General public some how want to be out of this mess.

Pubic are Hoping for someone to come and wave his/her magic Wand and to be out of the mess. In a nice clean world.. This can happen in dream or in tales. To me, for us to be out of this mess(crisis), we need good and honest understanding of the problem, clear vision, leadership, sustained action, perseverance. It will take lot of bold action from the leader to be successful on this. Let us hope and pray for one such leader to emerge.


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