IFSC codes, MICR codes
Find list of all Bank Branches in and around you. you can search for IFSC codes or MICR codes, all bank branch address, for NEFT, RTGS, ECS. You can search for contact numbers of the bank as well. Select Bank Name, then State, then District, then branch to see Bank details
What is IFSC code?
IFSC is an acronym for Indian Financial System Code. An alphanumeric code that identifies a bank branch participating in the payment systems( NEFT and RTGS). IFSC is a 11-digit code with the first 4 alpha characters representing the bank. The last 6 characters represents the branch. The 5th character is 0 (zero). Payment systems uses IFSC to identify the originating and destination banks, their branches. IFSC is also to route the messages to the concerned banks / branches.
What is a MICR Code?
MICR is an acronym for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. The MICR Code is a numeric code that identifies a bank-branch participating in the ECS Credit scheme. This is a 9 digit code to identify the location of the bank branch; the first 3 characters represent the city, the next 3 the bank and the last 3 the branch. The MICR Code allotted to a bank branch is printed on the MICR band of cheque issued by bank branches.
How can I find the IFSC of a bank-branch?
Bank wise list of IFSCs is available with all the bank-branches participating in NEFT or RTGS. All member banks also print the IFSC of the branch on cheques issued to their customers.
How is IFSC used when transaction through payment systems?
The remitting customer has to furnish the following information to a bank for initiating a remittance:
- Amount to be remitted
- The account number to be debited
- Name of the beneficiary customer
- Account number of the beneficiary customer
- The IFSC number of the beneficiary branch
- Sender to receiver message, if any.
How to find IFSC Code of your branch offline?
The customer may call the respective branch of bank and inquire about the IFSC code details. Customers can also refer to the bank's passbook or the cheque-book. It is usually written on the top of a cheque leaf near the bank account number.
Banks Merger and IFSC code impact
There has been continuous actions to merge PSB banks to make them stronger and competitive. According to the government, the merger of the 10 banks will lead to the creation of stronger establishments. This merger would follow in the example of the amalgamation of Bank of Baroda, Vijaya Bank, and Dena Bank in 2019. With this mega-bank mergers, the number of PSBs will get consolidated from 27 banks in 2017 to 12 banks in 2020.
- Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) and United Bank of India (UBI) will be merged with Punjab National Bank (PNB). The merged entity will become the second-largest state-run bank.
- The amalgamation of Syndicate Bank into Canara Bank will create the fourth-largest public sector bank.
- The merger of Allahabad Bank with the Indian Bank will create the seventh-largest public sector bank.
- Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank's merger with Union Bank of India will create India's fifth-largest public sector bank.
With the banks merger happening all around there has been changes to the IFSC codes as the back-end systems of these combined banks are merged. we at Highly Scalable will time to time update these information.
Punjab National Bank
The second-largest bank of India, PNB recently announced that all the customers who have an account in Punjab National Bank would not be able to do transactions from April 1, 2021, if they do not get new IFSC/MICR codes from the bank. Earlier last year, PNB merged with Oriental Bank of Commerce and United Bank of India. Thus, consequently, all the previous codes will only work till March 31, 2021, and to be able to do new transactions, the borrower needs to get the new codes.