IFSC code for Allahabad Bank, Dudhi, Dudhi
Dudhi or Duddhi is a town and Nagar panchayat in Sonbhadra district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It belongs to Mirzapur Division . It is located 64 km south of the district capital, Robertsganj. Dudhi is a tehsil of Sonebhadra district. Renukoot, Anpara, Obra, Robertsganj are the nearby cities to Dudhi. Dudhinagar-Renukoot is demanded district by dudhinagar people. There are many places to visit and enjoy natural beauty and environment of this town. This has hidden tourism site as locals have named one site as "Mini Goa" people visit this place to celebrate New year.
You can get more details about DUDHI in Wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudhi
The IFSC code of ALLAHABAD BANK, DUDHI, SONBHADRA is ALLA0210097 and the address is PO & TEHSIL DUDHI, DIST-SONEBHADRA,U.P.?�. The IFSC code ALLA0210097 can be uesd for NEFT transfer, RTGS transfer, IMPS transfer , and NPCI/UPI transactions. More details such as MICR code, contact number(if available) are given below.