IFSC code for Allahabad Bank, Paraspur, Paraspur
Paraspur is a Nagar Panchayat and block headquarter in Gonda district, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is the biggest Block Panchayat in Gonda district, with 64 Village Panchayats and 91 villages. It comes under Colonelganj legislative assembly. The total population of Paraspur block Panchayat is 203,937, which consists of 105,736 males and 98,201 females, with a population density of 687 per square kilometer. Paraspur is a rural township around 20 km from Gonda and 100 km from Lucknow. Colonelganj, a historical town associated with the mutiny of 1857, lies 14 km to the north. About 22 km west lies Tikaitnagar, a …
You can get more details about PARASPUR in Wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paraspur
The IFSC code of ALLAHABAD BANK, PARASPUR, GONDA is ALLA0210399 and the address is P.O.PARASPUR DIST. GONDA UTTAR PRADESH. The IFSC code ALLA0210399 can be uesd for NEFT transfer, RTGS transfer, IMPS transfer , and NPCI/UPI transactions. More details such as MICR code, contact number(if available) are given below.