IFSC code for Allahabad Bank, Panderi, Panderi
Also Panderi village is Raighad District near Birwadi. Both Panderi are roughly equi distance from MAHAD but in almost opposite directions.
Panderi is a small village in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra state in Western India. The 2011 Census of India recorded a total of 1,368 residents in the village. Panderi's geographical area is 608 hectares (1,500 acres).
You can get more details about PANDERI in Wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panderi
The IFSC code of ALLAHABAD BANK, PANDERI, MIRZAPUR is ALLA0210643 and the address is VILL & P.O. PANDERI, MIRZAPUR,U.P.. The IFSC code ALLA0210643 can be uesd for NEFT transfer, RTGS transfer, IMPS transfer , and NPCI/UPI transactions. More details such as MICR code, contact number(if available) are given below.