IFSC code for Allahabad Bank, Chulkana, Chulkana
Chulkana is a village situated in Haryana, India. It comes under district Panipat, municipality Samalkha. The village is situated 3.7 km away from Samalkha. The main landmark is the Baba Lakisher temple, situated in the center of the village. Chulkana is moderately populated. The Chokker clan of Gurjar resides here.
You can get more details about CHULKANA in Wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chulkana
The IFSC code of ALLAHABAD BANK, CHULKANA, PANIPAT is ALLA0210658 and the address is VPO CHULKANA, TEHS. SAMALAKHA, DIST, PANIPAT, HARYANA 132101. The IFSC code ALLA0210658 can be uesd for NEFT transfer, RTGS transfer, IMPS transfer , and NPCI/UPI transactions. More details such as MICR code, contact number(if available) are given below.