e-Pay Tax, e-File Returns and e-Governance.

admin | Oct. 9, 2008, 3:24 a.m.

e-Pay Tax, e-File Returns and e-Governance.

Taxpayer can make tax payment from any location without going to Bank branch. Amount of tax debited to his bank account electronically and credited to GOI . Log in to website of Income Tax Department: https://www.incometaxindia.gov.in Choose the button‘pay taxes online’. Currently there is no option to pay the tax using credit card or debit card. To avail of this facility the taxpayer is required to have a net-banking account. The list of the banks can be had from the below website. https://onlineservices.tin.nsdl.com/etaxnew/Index.html

E-File The process of electronically filing Income tax returns through the internet is known as e-filing.

There are three ways to file returns electronically.

  • Option 1: Use digital signature, in which case no further action is required.
  • Option 2: File without digital signature, in which case ITR-V form is to be filed with the department. This is a single page receipt cum verification form.
  • Option 3: File through an e-return intermediary who would do eFiling and also assist the Assessee file the ITR -V Form.

Select appropriate type of Return Form .

  • Download Return Preparation Software for selected Return Form.
  • Fill your return offline and generate a XML file.
  • Register and create a user id/password .
  • Login and click on relevant form on left panel and select “Submit Return”.
  • Browse to select XML file and click on “Upload” button .
  • On successful upload acknowledgement details would be displayed.
  • Click on “Print” to generate printout of acknowledgement/ITR-V Form.

Incase the return is digitally signed, on generation of “Acknowledgement” the Return Filing process gets completed.Assessee may take a printout of the Acknowledgement for his record.
Incase the return is not digitally signed, on successful uploading of e-Return, the ITR-V Form would be generated which needs to be printed by the tax payers. This is an acknowledgement cum verification form. The tax payer has to fill-up the verification part and verify the same. A duly verified ITR-V form should be submitted with the local Income Tax Office within 90 days of filing electronically. This completes the Return filing process for non-digitally signed Returns.

Keywords: tech ELECTRONIC

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