Tech Impact on the Unknown Indian
Technology has started reaching the average indian. The Communication technology and internet has been a quite a revolution in the past few years. No other technology has reached the common than the mobile revolution. During the last decade of the last century the mobile was used by the known Indians. For the unknown Indians, the dawn of the new century and the revolution of the communication has been the blessing. Mobile has reached the unknown’s much quicker. Today they use for variety of the things. The farmers are able to get quick quote for their produce. The deals are getting better.
The small scale industrial units are able to get better/aggressive deals, from far off places. The internet is able to reach to the indians in a bigger way. the airline, train, bus reservations which has been quite time taking manual process is at the click of mouse. they are able to pay the Income tax, file online returns. they bank over internet, they buy/pay insurance online, buy/sell items in the net. they are able to book movie tickets. they are able to print photos online. they are able to do many of the jobs at the comforts of their home/office. but.. but.. some things seem so missing.. some things seem so unusual… The rate at which the divide is increasing.. the digital divide.. yes I don’t want to call urban/rural divide, the simple reason being there are lot more people who in urban not able to use the facilities. there are lot of people in rural area too using these.. hence it’s not between urban/rural population..
it’s between people who know to use the digital world perfectly and people who don’t /who couldn’t use the digital world at all. the govt. should take some steps to bridge these.. otherwise the majority of the population will not be able to use the technical improvements quite effectively..these improvements are able to give a whole lot of savings(time, effort and energy) to the indians, thereby increasing the productivity of the people.